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Napisał w kategorii Porady taktyczne dnia 28 sierpnia 2013 o godz. 15:37.

Czekaliście długo na pierwsze wieści związane z nowo otwartym działem? Nie pozwolilibyśmy Wam czekać na to zbyt długo! W dziale „Taktyka” pojawił się już pierwszy wpis Pana Pancernego, w którym bliżej wyjaśnia i przedstawia swoje pomysły. Wstępniak można przeczytać pod tym linkiem.

Pierwszy wpis z uwagami taktycznymi do armii Sharrash – już jutro!

O jakiej armii chcielibyście przeczytać w dalszej kolejności?


  • Dusty

    Vegas !

    After over a year of playing Nhex I still can’t win with them consistently

    I know all armies are realitivly balanced, but…I do tend to see a teir list with armies that do well more often

    Top- borgo steel police moloch

    Mid- hegemony SMART New York

    Bottom- outpost neojungle Vegas

    Bottom armies are very hard to play, and seem to be prone to bad draws
    The top teir, seem to be prone to good draws, the have a mission, and they do it very well

  • Orzi

    Yeah, Vegas is tricky and very draw dependent, but in suitable hands they’re uncatchable nightmare, which controls whole board and destroys every tactic of its enemies.
    Interesting enough in multiplayer game (especially in 2v2) tier list looks totally different. For example Vegas is one of most broken armies. When it’s tight on the board, nobody could deal them damage. From the other side Steel Police lose majority of their strenght. Without enough space to built their combinations they are just bunch of not-so-good units. Judge can’t effectively reflects damage, when he is surrounded by enemies and HQ bonus don’t give anything to your allies.

  • Orzi

    A co do opisu armii, hmmm… Dancer. Wydają mi się strasznie monotonni, może imć Pancerny wyciągnął z nich więcej frajdy i kombinacji?

  • Dusty

    Ya, I mean, mabey is cuz I’m not that good, but I really can’t play Vegas well

    And when I play against them…it’s simple, I just don’t put my soldiers in spots where they can hit my base

    Also the rotate tiles are strictly worse then the move tiles…anyway

    Iplay on iOS so no 2v2 for me.

    I like 1v1 anyway, seems more 'pure’

    Can’t wait to see how the new armies play on iOS !
    The dancer…I mean just wow ..

  • seba

    dancer, bo nigdy jeszcze nimi nie udalo mi sie wygrac

  • Orzi

    I’m not the best player too, but I really like to play Vegas. They’re fun, unlike „ihaveover9000initiative” Borgo for example. But my favorite is Steel Police. They’re either fun, strong and have a lot of tactics and combining.

    Dancer… On paper they look insane, and yes, they are equally insane in game. Each of objects has 10HP. However, the game with Dancer always look the same. „Boom, action in your HQ! Battle, you don’t have any units now! Again, action in your HQ, bye, bye!”. It’s all about bursting your enemy. Against Dancer it’s the same – one condensed attack, over. It’s really hard to build big combinations with actions and battles every turn.

  • K05tek

    A ja jestem za Smartem, jest to moja ulubiona armia, i jestem ciekawy czego jeszcze o niej nie wiem. :)

  • Dusty


    I too hate borgo, it’s the newb army for sure

    I hate borgo cuz it’s to good, but I hate Vegas cuz it seems so bad to me

    If you got any tips on how to win with them please share.

    I too love steel police, the remind me of a control deck from MTG , don’t worry about life, control the board and the game is yours.

    God I love this game

  • Orzi

    If u love Steel Police for their control abilities, you will probably lost your mind for Sharrash. Their control abilities are just insane, like for example running-around-the-board HQ, four explosives that instadestroy enemy tiles or pithole which sucks enemies into it. PanPancerny wrote good article about it. They are different than SP (Policemen are about to built one big machine to destroy your enemies with one hit, Rats strenght is to change situation of the board) but really strong and fun to play.

  • Dusty

    Sharash do look fun to play,

    I got to wait until they hit iOS though, should be soon I hope.

    The article was cool, can’t wait for more, and the new armies on iOS ….it’s a good time for Nhex

  • Dusty

    Great job with sharrah guide can’t wait for more!

    Vegas cuz there so hard to play

    And dancer cuz there so crazy and fun to read about

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