Zielone zagrożenie!
Zapraszamy do lektury porad taktycznych dla wiecznie zielonej Neodżungli! Wpisy będą znajdować się w tym miejscu, a kolejne teksty będzie można przeczytać jutro i pojutrze.
Jak sądzicie, czy gra Neodżunglą jest trudniejsza od prowadzenia innych armii?
I find I ether win like 20-0 or lose 0-20 when playing with these guys
I hate the roots Tolkien though, always end up being discard chips for me?
Sure they add to the motherland, but so does EVERY other chip in your army…and at lest they effect they board state
@ Dusty
Yes, so does every other chip, but Roots are very hard to destroy and for that reason they are very useful for sneaking up for the line of opponent’s soldiers (and because they are Foundation Tile). It’s good against Outpost, which most units can attack only in one direction. By the way, some armies, like Dancer or Sharrash, cannot destroy Roots, because they don’t have any tokens, that could do it.
Obviously, I prefer Monster or poisonous units than Roots.
Great job once again, the armies are really coming along great ! Fun to read.
My vote is for dancer next…just cuz ther so different
Also SMART cuz I love them